Friday, 4 March 2016

The Story of Being Diagnosed With a (Suspected Non-Malignant) Pituitary Tumour

Don't freak out.  Most people hear tumour and automatically think cancer - that's definitely what my future husband Rob thought.  A tumour is really (just) an abnormal growth and has the potential to be malignant (cancer) or benign (not cancer), and we are pretty sure that mine is benign.  This is the story of my journey navigating exactly what it means to have a pituitary/brain tumour and its impact on me. 

I have been juggling the idea of writing a blog about my experiences and thoughts on receiving this diagnosis. 

Reasons for the blog:
1) It's a way for me to be brutally honest without making myself overly vulnerable
2) It helps me to collect my thoughts and document this whole process
3) I hope that it could be a good resource for someone else going through the same thing or something similar

Reasons against the blog:
1) I have a hard time sharing every personal detail of my life, especially with people I do not know that well
2) People may believe that I'm just doing this for attention
3) Sometimes I think it's too long after my diagnosis to even bring this up

Reasons I have decided to go for it:
1) I have decided that I honestly don't care what people think about my choice to share this experience with everyone
2) People need to start talking about the things going on in our lives that may not be as pleasant as puppies and double rainbows
3) I want to be able to keep people up to date with what's going on

A couple things have occurred recently which helped me get to this point.  First, I found myself not wanting people to find out about my diagnosis unless I told them.  I do not necessarily care that people find out, but I want it to be on my terms.  Being open and honest through this blog is one way to ensure it is on my terms because I really can't stop people from talking to each other.  Second, a friend who knew that I was having some health issues which require surgery asked what was going on with me, specifically, only because she wants to know if I am going to be okay.  Not talking about what's going on can lead to a lot of unnecessary worry. 

This blog is going to go over what led to my diagnosis, how I am dealing with it, and where I go from here.  Please note, there may be some uncomfortable information within this blog so if you cannot handle reading about female reproductive organs/functions, libido, or difficult emotions/reactions, this is just not the blog for you. 

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